Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Waiting Room

"Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My God do you learn". - C.S. Lewis

waiting room
Waiting to be delivered from a rough spot is one of the hardest periods of life. We constantly cry out to God: "Where are you?!", "Help me!", "Can you hear me?", "When will this end?".  There always seems to be something that we are waiting on God for. This is not a bad thing, we are called to be dependent on God. It's just that waiting really sucks.

Waiting for healing, for redemption, for the end of a bad life storm: These waiting periods leave us scared because it's bad and we don't know how it's going to end. Not knowing and not feeling like we're in control is absolutely terrifying.

God is in control. Always. No question. And he is faithful. Always. No matter what. These are the things I do know. Even in the waiting, I still know He is good.

When a child gets scared, he runs behind his mother's legs and clings on for life. He doesn't know what's going to happen, but he knows that his mom loves him and she will take care of him.

We are God's children. He loves us and he will take are of us. When I can't count on my friends, I can count on God's companionship. When I can't count on my strength, I can count on God's redemption. When I can't count on my plans to work out, I can count on God's sovereignty. When I can't count on the sun coming up, I can count on God's faithfulness. When I can't count on tomorrow, I can count on God's eternity.

The thing I'm learning is that I don't need to know. I don't need to have the answers. I follow a good Shepard and he will not let me wander from the path. The things I do know surpass those that I don't. Easier said than done, I know. But, I'm learning: leaning on the one who holds me.

"...God is greater than my heart and He knows everything". 1 John 3:20b

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